- About
- Administration
- Campus & Meals
- Our Teachers
- Accreditation
- After Graduation
MTC is not an ordinary Bible School. It is a rigorous training program designed to ignite, inspire, and equip students for the next level in their life and ministry.
MTC was birthed out of a deep desire to:
1. help those who know they have a calling from God, enter into their calling,
2. transfer practical ministry experience, methods and strategy, and
3. make ministry to God a priority and provide a leading perspective.
The goal of MTC is to ignite, inspire, and equip students to carry out the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:19-20, by using successful strategies that have been tested and used in the mission field throughout the world. Get ready for God to radically touch you and equip you for revival in your own city.
Rector: Leonid Malko, Pastor and Missionary. Established churches and missions in Armenia, Siberia, the Caucasus, and Central Asia, as well as in California.
Dean: Still to be announced.
Overseeing Authority: Foursquare Mission.
For the year 2024, the school will be held near Los Angeles, California, at Awaken LA Church, 5853 Laurel Canyon Blvd, Valley Village, CA 91607.
Breakfast and lunch are included and will be served on location Monday through Friday.
Students will hear from local and world-renowned speakers such as Leonid Malko, Meesh Fomenko, Nick Vujicic, Artur Simonyan, Vik Fomenko, Vadim Pekun, Roman Trachuk, Andrey Shapoval, and others. Full teaching line up still to be announced.
Students who successfully complete the 2-month training program will receive official certification from The Foursquare Mission..
This year, MTC has an optional outreach trip to help launch a new church in L-A,Houston Texas, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Nevada. Also, if after the program, you have a desire to take a missionary trip to another country, MTC is ready to provide assistance in coordinating the location and finding sponsors. However, first and foremost you must receive permission and a blessing from your home church and pastor. More information can be obtained by speaking with the school administrator. If after graduating MTC you would like to become an intern in any of our partner churches with diferent states, MTC will provide assistance to do so.
As Director, I am pleased to welcome you to the Ministry Training Center! I believe that the Lord will visit you in these two months, and you will leave here anointed with the fresh oil of the Holy Spirit.

2-Month Training: Course Program
Part I - The Foundation of the Teachings of Christ
Highlight - Retreat
- 1. Turning away from dead deeds. Repentance. Prayer.
- 2. Faith in God. Righteousness. Authority of the Bible. The nature of faith.
- 3. Teaching about baptisms. Water baptism. Baptism of the Holy Spirit. The body of Christ.
- 4. The laying on of hands. Healing and deliverance. Blessing for the ministry.
- 5. Resurrection from the dead. Spirit, soul and body. Prediction in the Old Testament. The book of Revelation.
- 6. Eternal judgement. God is a judge for everybody – the character of God. Trinity. Sufferings in the Bible. History of civilizations.
Part II - Ministry as a Style of Life
Highlight - Worship Night
- 1. Covenant with God. The blood of Christ. Partnership. Family.
- 2. Discipleship. Dedication. Life in Christ. Spiritual growth.
- 3. Church. Foundation, building and principals of growth. The history of the church.
- 4. Life of a minister. Calling. Preparation for ministry.
- 5. Gifts of ministry. Gifts of the Holy Spirit. 5 gifts of ministry.
Part III - Grace and Discipleship to Conquer Nations
Highlight - Hands on Ministry & Outreach in San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, & Las Vegas
- Practical steps of planting a church*
- Life and Christ’s model of ministry
- Practical evangelism*
- Accountability
- Theocracy
- Dedication
- Life, problems and victories on the missionary field
- Adoption & Fatherhood
Additional - Practical Courses and Training
Offered via Electives
- Small groups ministry
- Praise and Worship ministry
- Homiletics – The Art of Preaching
- Teenage and youth ministry
- Sunday School
- School of the supernatural
*Outreach and evangelism will take place in the Los Angeles area. (Additional trip is planned to help launch a new church)